Ayush Gupta
Ayush is the Lead Program Operations Manager and Entrepreneurship Advisor for Technology Entrepreneur Center. He has been involved with TEC since 2022. His true passion lies in scaling businesses, brainstorming with passionate founders about their business models, and aiding their development through different verticals across an industry. As a former founder and startup advocate for multinational corporations and venture capital firms, he truly resonates with every entrepreneur's pain point from idea to enterprise and is always finding ways to foster U. of I.’s venture ecosystem. He is also deeply passionate about the venture capital space, and loves helping founders craft pitch decks, strategize for fundraising, and think through growth plans.
Ayush is a junior pursuing Aerospace Engineering honors with a Business minor. Besides juggling different hats through his professional pursuits, he is always tuned into some podcast, out on a hike, cooking, or immersed in a detective novel. He is a people person. Fun fact: he is a professional boxer and national swimmer!