Business Management for Engineers Certificate
The Business Management for Engineers Certificate is a graduate-level certificate designed for students with an engineering or technology background who aspire to rise in management, make higher level strategic business decisions, and hone leadership skills. This certificate provides students with the tools necessary to propose and manage initiatives and evaluate technology innovation from a business standpoint. These courses are applicable to students who are or want to be entrepreneurial in starting a company, working for a startup, or bringing business management skills into their career at an existing company.
Certificate Requirements
1. Hold a bachelor's degree
2. Complete these core courses:
- TE 460: Lectures in Engineering Entrepreneurship (1 hr.)
- TE 565: Technology Innovation and Strategy (2 hrs.)
- TE 567: Venture Funded Startups (1 hr.)
3. Complete at least 2 credit hours of elective courses/activities from the following:
- TE 401: Developing Breakthrough Projects (2 hrs. - Choose an existing TE 401 course, or propose your own independent course of study.)
- TE 450: Startups: Incorporation, Funding, Contracts, and Intellectual Property (3 hrs.)
- TE 466: High Tech Venture Marketing (2 hrs.)
- TE 566: Finance for Engineering Management (2 hrs.)
- Attend the Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship Workshop - A one-page essay about your experience submitted to TEC is required (equivalent to 1 hour of elective activities toward the certificate only).
Additional Requirements
- Students must earn a B- or better in the courses that make up the certificate program to qualify for the certificate.
- Courses may not be applied towards multiple TEC certificates.
- Students must apply before the beginning of the final semester of the graduating year.
If you submit your completion form by: | You can expect to receive your certificate by: |
January 15 | February 1 |
June 1 | June 15 |
September 1 | September 15 |
Ready to apply?
Start by filling out the application.
I’m applying to begin a TEC Certificate
Completed your certificate?
Just fill out the form below.
I’ve completed a TEC Certificate
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