TE 298 BIT

TE 298 BIT - Breakthrough Innovation Teams

Fall 2015

Breakthrough Innovation TeamsENG298BIT56213LEC1 -    Andrew Singer
John A Rogers
Mani Golparvar-Fard
Breakthrough Innovation TeamsTE298BIT62487LEC1 -    Andrew Singer
John A Rogers
Mani Golparvar-Fard

Official Description

Subject offerings of innovation, creativity, technology and entrepreneurship intended to augment the existing curriculum. See class schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.

Section Description

Students enrolled in this course will be part of a Breakthrough Innovative Team that works with Faculty Entrepreneurial Fellows on a proof of concept project. Students will gain and improve upon their innovation, leadership, and engineering entrepreneurial skills. For questions or to enroll, contact Brooke Newell at bsnewell@illinois.edu.

Course Description

Students enrolled in this course will be part of a Breakthrough Innovative Team that works with Faculty Entrepreneurial Fellows on a proof of concept project. Students will gain and improve upon their innovation, leadership, and engineering entrepreneurial skills.

Prerequisites or Restrictions

Instructor Approval Required. Please contact Brooke Newell (bsnewell@illinois.edu) for questions.

Last updated
