TE 401 DT

TE 401 DT - Introduction to Design Thinking

Spring 2021

Intro to Design ThinkingTE401DT69646ONL21600 - 1750 T    Amanda Henderson

Official Description

Project-based exploration with teams of students working together in a large innovation and entrepreneurial context. Encourage development of innovative, leadership, and entrepreneurial skill sets, including financing, marketing, sales, operations, business plans, and management. Course Information: 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated.

Section Description

Introduction to Design Thinking, developed by Siebel Center for Design, provides guidance to students in learning and building competency in the design thinking process. Students work in groups to participate in the design thinking process in order to develop innovative outcomes. Have an idea? We can help you refine it through the principles of design thinking. Looking for an idea? We can walk you through the design thinking process to search for opportunity areas and help you identify specific concept directions to further explore. Email designcenter@illinois.edu for more information. This class will meet for the 1st 8 weeks of the semester. This course we be delivered via Moodle.