6/23/2015 Christine Olivo
Written by Christine Olivo
On April 28, representatives of the Innovation Living-Learning Community (LLC) attended the National Residence Hall Honorary’s (NRHH) annual “A Night of Recognition” banquet to accept the “Community of the Year” award within the Orange and Blue Illini Chapter.
The NRHH is an organization dedicated to service and recognition of leadership and excellence in the residence halls. Awards are given out to different residential communities, such as wings, halls, floors and complexes, based on nominations sent in that are then reviewed and decided on by a selection committee within the organization.
According to the Orange and Blue Illini NRHH Chapter, this award is eligible to any residential community, such as wings, halls, floors, complexes, etc. The organization also said that the award is a “large honor that all halls should strive for.”
“The award recognizes all the achievements made in developing a home away from home for our students” the organization said. “This award should emphasize what this community has done, and how it has supported the Learning Growing Mattering: For every person, on every floor, in every community vision of our department.”
Innovation LLC welcomes students who thrive on innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity. This community is focused on allowing students to explore the entrepreneurial process by providing them with resources to further develop their ideas. The LLC provides students with mentoring, resources, networking opportunities and skills to help them achieve their entrepreneurial goals. For more information, visit: tec.illinois.edu/innovation-llc.
Jennifer Bechtel, Program Director for the Innovation and Sustainability Living-Learning Communities at the University, said she believes the Innovation LLC won the award due to its supporting and welcoming environment.
Bechtel said she plans to continue to make the Innovation LLC an exceptional place for students to live on campus.
“I am hoping to give leaders and resident advisors that live on the floor with our students a say in how we can improve this community,” Bechtel said. “We will be having more formal discussions about what our students want to make this community even better, and empower student leaders to make decisions to make it a stronger community.”